Selected Publications:

Zupanc, G.K.H., Maler, L., Heiligenberg, W.: Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the region of the prepacemaker nucleus in weakly electric knifefish, Eigenmannia: a quantitative analysis. Brain Research 559, 249-260 (1991), doi:10.1016/0006-8993(91)90009-K

Zupanc, G.K.H., Okawara, Y., Zupanc, M.M., Fryer, J.N., Maler, L.: In situ hybridization of putative somatostatin mRNA in the brain of electric gymnotiform fish. NeuroReport 2 (11), 707-710 (1991), URL: _of_putative_somatostatin.19.aspx

Stroh, T., Zupanc, G.K.H.: Identification and localization of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the cerebellum of gymnotiform fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Neuroscience Letters 160, 145-148 (1993), doi:10.1016/0304-3940(93)90399-6

Zupanc, G.K.H., Cécyre, D., Maler, L., Zupanc, M.M., Quirion, R.: The distribution of somatostatin binding sites in the brain of gymnotiform fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 7, 49-63 (1994), doi:10.1016/0891-0618(94)90007-8

Stroh, T., Zupanc, G.K.H.: Somatostatin in the prepacemaker nucleus of weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus: evidence for a nonsynaptic function. Brain Research 674, 1-14 (1995), doi:10.1016/0006-8993(94)01397-Z

Stroh, T., Zupanc, G.K.H.: The postembryonic development of somatostatin immunoreactivity in the central posterior/prepacemaker nucleus of weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus: a double-labelling study. Developmental Brain Research 93, 76-87 (1996), doi:10.1016/0165-3806(96)00003-X

Zupanc, G.K.H.: Peptidergic transmission: from morphological correlates to functional implications. Micron 27, 35-91 (1996), doi:10.1016/0968-4328(95)00028-3

Siehler, S., Zupanc, G.K.H., Seuwen, K., Hoyer, D.: Characterisation of the fish sst3 receptor, a member of the SRIF1 receptor family: atypical pharmacological features. Neuropharmacology 38, 449-462 (1999), doi:10.1016/S0028-3908(98)00179-8

Zupanc, G.K.H.: Up-regulation of somatostatin after lesions in the cerebellum of the teleost fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Neuroscience Letters 268, 135-138 (1999), doi:10.1016/S0304-3940(99)00299-2

Zupanc, G.K.H., Siehler, S., Jones, E.M.C., Seuwen, K., Furuta, H., Hoyer, D., Yano, H.: Molecular cloning and pharmacological characterization of a somatostatin receptor subtype in the gymnotiform fish Apteronotus albifrons. General and Comparative Endocrinology 115, 333-345 (1999), doi:10.1006/gcen.1999.7316

Siehler, S., Nunn, C., Zupanc, G.K.H., Hoyer, D.: Fish somatostatin sst3 receptor: comparison of radioligand and GTPγS binding, adenylate cyclase and phospholipase C activities reveals different agonist-dependent pharmacological signatures. Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology 25, 1-16 (2005), doi:10.1111/j.1474-8673.2004.00325.x